Julie Kay - Business of Favors
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6 years ago
16 212
34min 24sec
Officer Tom Orbinson (Chad White) is driving to a sting operation that he's been working on for months. There's been Johns spotted at the location in question and he's pretty sure they're about to break up a prostitution ring that been going on for years. He's eager to get there but still has some miles to put in beforehand. When he arrives at the location, he makes sure to park far enough to not be spotted. He radios in, letting his fellow officers know that he'll be joining them shortly. Once he gets there, his team informs him that they have a situation and are eager to storm in and arrest some suspects. They rush up the stairs in formation and bust down the door. They grab the male suspect, throw him to the ground then grab his arms and cuff him. When his fellow officer escorts the male suspect outside, Officer Orbinson stays in to have a one on one talk with the female suspect (Julie Kay). He tells her she's in a lot of trouble and doesn't know what he's gonna do with her. When he informs the suspect that they'll be multiple charges brought against her, she tells him she's got nothing to say. He keeps pounding her with questions but she's not saying a word. He takes off his badge and microphone and tells her he's trying to help her. If she doesn't help him, he's going to have to take her in. She asks him if there's a way out of that. He gets closer to her and puts his hand on her leg. When she starts rubbing his arm, it's clear they understand each other. When she asks him if he's interested, he happily agrees and as long she does this for him, he won't have to take her in.
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